how to add duet option in instagram reels
Hello friends welcome to halzutrik In today's article we will tell you how to bring Duet option in Instagram reels. The trend of short videos on Instagram is also going on a lot these days. These short videos are being known as Instagram reels on Instagram, due to which users are becoming famous.
Mostly all Smartphone users use Instagram. And this feature has been given on Instagram! Instagram Reels Friends if you guys use Instagram! So you must have seen that the option of short video has come on Instagram too! Which we used to get this option earlier on Tik Tok, Snack Video app! In which we were able to upload and make a video of less than 1 minute!
This feature has also arrived on Instagram! But its name is Instagram Reels! And you will get this option on Instagram itself! Like you guys used to make videos with someone's video on Tik Tok! Now you guys also want to make Instagram Duet video!
You are not getting the option! The trick which I will tell you through that! You will be able to enable Duet Video on Reels option on your Instagram application!
Because you guys have put in a lot of effort! Still you are not getting the option, so how can you bring it, let me tell you!
You guys also upload reels videos on Instagram! You like someone's Instagram Reels video! You Want To Duet With Them! So what will you have to do for this, I will tell you all the process!
First of all you have to open your Instagram application. Then you have to click on Profile! Your Username, Post, Followers, Following will show it all! Clicking on the 3rd line will open such a page.
You have to click on Settings then click on Privacy! You can see a lot of options will show here!
You have to click on the reels and remix control, then you can see such a photo will show!
Enable Remixing if your Instagram is Off! So you have to turn it on! Then you have to go to Play Store if Instagram is not your update! So first of all you have to update, this problem of yours will be solved!
So friends, this information in which we have told you how to enable duet option in Instagram reels, if you get some help from this article then we will feel very happy. If you want to ask any question related to this article, then tell us by commenting, we will definitely answer you.