The face is affected the most in the summer time. Because in the summer time there is a lot of sunlight and the temperature also increases very much. Due to which some unwanted activity starts happening on the skin of our face. Such as pimples, nail acne, darkening of the face, more scarring and extra oil on the skin etc. Today we will tell you some such tips by following which you can make your skin beautiful in summer time and take care of your face.
Summer time is a good season in which we use some new things. Some new things are available to eat, some new fruits and vegetables are seen, at the same time some bad effect on our face is also read in summer time if we do not take good care of our skin.
What is the effect of heat on the face
As soon as the summer season comes, some effect can be seen on the face too. Some effects are bad and some effects are good. With a good effect, the extra oil accumulated on the skin of the face starts coming out. That is, the oil on your face that had accumulated in the skin of the face during the winter. It melts in the summer season and starts coming out. Due to this the skin of your face becomes thinner and becomes brighter. On the other hand, if we talk about what are the bad effects on the face in summer time. So the biggest thing in the summer time is that the skin on your face starts turning dark. Acne starts to appear excessively on the face. In the summer season, the temperature becomes high, due to which the blood in our body also becomes more hot and if we eat more chili spices then pimples come out on our face. There are many other reasons due to which pimples come out on our face in summer. Black marks on the skin of the face are also seen in summer because during the summer season the skin of the face becomes thin and there is a fear of fungal infection in it. Due to which if you apply nails then wounds can be formed on your face.
In the summer season, extra oil also comes a lot on the face. Because in the summer time, the extra fat present in the skin of our face dissolves and starts coming out, which makes our face oily. Some people find it very bad. So keeping all these in mind, in today's article, we will tell you how you can make your facial skin spotlessly beautiful and healthy during the summer season.
How to take care of face in summer
To take care of the face in summer, you have to keep the right things in mind so that you can take good care of your facial skin. You can prevent any kind of side effect from happening on your face. By following some of the tips mentioned below, you can keep your facial skin healthy and spotless even in summers.
• Wash your mouth frequently
In the summer season, you have to clean your face frequently. Wash your face thoroughly at least thrice a day. You can wash your face properly with clean water or by using face wash. The more times you clean your face, the better the complexion of your skin will be. But at least you must wash your face thrice a day, this will keep the dust and dirt on your face clean and the skin of your face will not become dark.
• Apply Multani Mitti
In the summer time, extra oil is seen very much on the skin of the face, which makes the skin of your face sticky. Therefore, to make your face clean, you must apply multani mitti paste. You can apply multani mitti in both day time or night time. To apply multani mitti, you have to make a paste by soaking some multani mitti in water. Now keep this paste on your face for half an hour. After half an hour, take it off your face or wash it off with water. If you apply the paste of Multani Mitti on your face daily or twice a week, then the problem of extra oil on your face will end and your face will become completely clean.
• ice on face
You can also use ice on your face in summers. This will cool the skin of your face and make it healthy. For this, you have to put a piece of ice in a handkerchief and apply it on your face. You apply this method on your face for 15 minutes. You can use ice on your face thrice a week. With this, the skin of your face will become healthy and if the skin of your face is discolored then it will be completely healthy with this method.
• Put cucumber on eyes
In the summer time, dark circles are formed on your face under the eyes, you can use cucumber on your face to fix this problem. Cut two round pieces of cucumber and keep it on your eyes for 20 minutes. To do this, the dark circles around your eyes will end and your face will become beautiful.
• Use potato slices
In summer time you should use potato slice on your face. This will reduce the blemishes from your face. Cut a potato and apply its piece on your face. By applying a piece of potato on the face, all the blemishes from the face are reduced and the skin of the face gets a complexion.
• Drink more water
In summer time you should drink more and more water. With this, the temperature of your body and your face will be completely controlled and the problem of pimples or pimples on your face will be reduced. By drinking more water, whatever dirt is in the blood comes out through sweat and the skin remains healthy. You must drink 4 to 5 liters of water a day.
• Use lemon
Apply lemon juice on your face thrice a week. With this, all the bacteria and dirt present on your face will be cleaned and the skin of your face will become clean. The antifungal, anti-bacterial present in lemon cleanses the skin of your face and makes the face spotless by cleaning the bacteria or dead cells on the face.
So friends, these were some tips through which you can take care of your facial skin in the summer season. As soon as summer comes, dark spots, spots etc. start appearing on the face. Due to which there is a lot of damage to the face, so you have to take care of your skin or your face by following the tips given by us. If you have any question related to this article, then you can tell us by commenting. But do not contain any link in your comment as it may violate our privacy policy.
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